WellComm Active: a new initiative for the happiness and well-being of citizens
Eoin Kaar, WellComm Active Project Manager, announced the fall program of project activities focused on the health, well-being and happiness of citizens.
The activities of the program are implemented in cooperation with the cork Sports Authority (CSP) and the Health Authority of the cities of Kerry and Cork (HSE CORK/Kerry), which aims to improve the lifestyle of the participating citizens, through three main axes, including exercise, weight control and learning healthy ways to eat.
Several places will be allocated in the city and district to give the opportunity for the largest number of citizens to participate, these three axes are summarized in the following:
Project Weight Loss Monitoring Program:
This program consists of practicing a set of exercises and activities for aperiod of 12 weeks, developed by health and fitness specialists, which aims to encourage citizen, who wish to reduce their weight through these exercises.
These weekly exercises are also followed by educational sessions to discuss what was implemented during the exercises. the program is intended for small groups formed in local centers for those whose body mass exceeds 25.
Staying Fit For the Futur:
This program aims to achieve a better lifestyle through practicing a set of exercises to maintain acertain rate of flexibility, movement, strength and balance, which ultimately leads to compatibility whith various environmental variables and not being negatively affected by them.
This program was established by a group of physical therapists and is provided through 8 weekly sessions in many local centers.
Healthy Food Made Easy program:
Which is presented in 6 weekly sessions through a nutritional program developed by the experts of the Health Authority in Cork(HSE). the program aims to guide participants to learn many methods for making healthy meals and following healthy methods in general in ways of eating and choosing food.
It is an individual follow- up program that can be joined from anywhere , including the affiliate’s home, as it is intended for special health cases and those who find it difficult to move from one place to anther and aims to introduce the practice of sports into the lifestyle and consider it an integral part of it, so that they can rely on themselves and avoid Getting any injuries or diseases as a result of the difficulty of movement and thus reducing the number of visitors to hospitals and health and centers.
To apply for the WellComm Active Program, visit the Cork Sports Partnership website and follow the booking link .
www. cork sports. ie or through
www. thewellbeigng network.ie
Source : Cork Safety Alerts
Categories: News- Ireland
Tags: ## Health and nutrition## Fitness## WellComm Active##
Fatma Salem