HSE : Launches Free Flu Vaccination Program 2022/ 2021
Flu is an unpleasant diseasee for the majority of people , but for some it is a serious , life – threatening illeness that may lead to hospitalization , Every year between 200 and 500 people in Ireland die from this diseaes , most of them are elderly , this is why it is so important if you qualify for the Flu vaccine should do so as soon as it is given to you .
This year , it is recommmended to take a free in Flu vaccine for the following groups :
People aged 65 and over 65
Health care workers
Children between 2 and 17 years old
At any stage of preganacy for people with certain medical conditions that put them at increased risk of complications from the flu.
Irish Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said:
As we come out of the worst of the Corona virus pandemic , it is necessary to bear in mind that there are other viruses that can lead to heavy losses in society , including the Flu virus , so we urge people especially the elderly , to protect themselves from Flu this winter by receiving a free Flu vaccine .
For more information , please visit the link.
Source: Cork Safety Alerts
Categories: News- Ireland
Tags : Flu Vaccine## Older people
Fatma Salem